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SMEs play a decisive role in China's economic and social development.
And have played an important role in adjusting the economic structure, to enrich and enliven the market, increase employment opportunities, the development of local economy and increasing fiscal revenue, etc.However, the issue of financing has been plaguing the development of SMEs.Meanwhile,take into consideration of the current financial crisis,make deep analysis of financing small and medium-sized problems.Pointing out that there are such phenomenon as narrow channels of direct financing,high financing cost and high risk,low financing credit,discriminatory policy,and Lack of co-ordination of social financial services.etc.To understand the plight of small and medium enterprises financing are of many asepects.Including their lack of small and medium enterprises, financial institutions, monopoly, the development of small and medium-sized financial institutions lagged behind, the development of regulations to protect their not perfect, imperfect capital markets. Therefore, this article-depth analysis of the problems of financing small and medium enterprises, to explore and propose solutions to small and medium enterprises financing measures to fundamentally break through the bottleneck of financing difficulties. Financing solutions to the plight of small and medium-sized small and medium enterprises should increase the competitiveness of their own, and deepen financial sector reforms, improve the capital markets, increase government support to strengthen the social service system building
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同时,许多学者与政策家指出,中小型企业的融资问题在于缺乏合适的融资渠道,并理应得到特殊帮助。如,政府应出台增加贷款金额等相关政策。各类研究数据表明了此看法的正确性。举例来说,一项对10,000家来自80多个不同国家的企业数据(Beck, Demirgüç-Kunt, Laeven, and Maksimovic 2006)分析表明,其中认为企业发展的最大障碍为融资难的企业,小型企业占到39%,中型企业占据38%,而大型企业占29%。此外,与大型企业的对外融资水平相比,小型企业平均融资资金低于大型企业13个百分点。更为重要的是,特别是对于中小型企业来说,对外融资困难是阻碍企业发展的瓶颈。(Beck, Demirgüç-Kunt, and Maksimovic 2005)
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